
We are puatala

Transforming the way we deliver training and up-skilling, to empower people to secure the careers they desire to build better lifestyles.


Founded by Meta and Lesa Tyrell

Meta and Lesa founded Alignz Recruitment, a Samoan owned and led recruitment agency over 20 years ago after seeing and experiencing the struggles of Maori and Pacific communities, being unrepresented in the local labour market.

Today, our founders bring with them the same desire to help people in the form of Puatala. Where our training and programmes lead to real job creation for you.


Decades of Industry Experience

With over 20 years of experience in the recruitment industry, Puatala is built on a strong foundation of industry experience and local labour contacts.

This means we’ve got the experience, industry knowledge and networks to help you find real opportunities. 


Tailored Training Programmes

We focus on individual, module-based training specific to the participant and supported by pastoral care.

This means participants can chop and change a programme to suit the skills needs they require to secure the career they desire.

Training for Industry

Real Jobs in Real Industries

Training for Industry
Real Jobs in Real Industries

Creating Real Opportunities

Our Reviews

Creating Real Opportunities

Our Reviews

Who We Work With

Our Partners